Tuesday 9 June 2015

#30DaysWild - Day 9

#30DaysWild, Day 9 - Another short walk on the wild side today.

Up early and back on the train.  Oban is full of sunshine and summer visitors.  Whilst I have been away with Daughter, Farmer has been busy gathering and marking the lambs.  As I arrived home they were just counting the last ewes and hoggs through the fank.

In this photograph below I have caught 2 of the ewe hoggs leaping in the air - when they do this, shepherds will say they are good and fit - literally bouncing with energy.   The poor winter and cold spring has not been good for the sheep.  Despite being fed or having access to supplementary minerals and vitamins, they have not come out of the winter as plump as we like to see them.  It will be really important to wean the lambs as early as we can so that the ewes have time to re-gain their peak condition before the winter.

Clover and plantains are beginning to flower along the track side. 

The Heath spotted orchids are flowering now, which is lovely to see as I have my short walk on Day 9 through the fields in front of the house. 

Cow parsley is suddenly flowering too, it must be enjoying the slightly warmer temperature as we are! 

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