Wednesday, 3 June 2015

#30DaysWild Day 3

#30DaysWild Day 3.. searching for an unusual fern takes me out today, for my time in the wild.  

Fledgling sparrows in the steading, sitting stock still, so we won't see them. They were completely still and totally silent. 

My time out in the wild today was along the coast towards Port Haunn.  It is such a relief to have a warmer day and lots of bright sunshine.

We go together after breakfast. Farmer needs to check the sheep and I am looking for Adder's Tongue fern along the coast. I have never seen it although we know it to be there, and it looks like an amazing plant.  We don't find, but it doesn't matter because we see lots of other things, and enjoy the searching.

This pile of stones is possibly a Viking burial ground overlooking the Treshnish Isles.

This crab shell is someone else's breakfast.  An otter perhaps?  The claws were lying near by.

The cliffs are covered in brave clumps of flowers at the moment - Roseroot, Sea campion, Thrift, and even Bluebells.  It always surprises me seeing bluebells so close to the sea and so far from obvious remains of woodland.

This mound of verdant green leaves were growing in a boggy bit of ground at the foot of the raised beach cliffs.  I don't know what it is and did'nt make time to really look at it, so I will have to go back another day. Perhaps tomorrow!

This spout cave reminds me of an eye, the seam of rock to its left could be a nose.

The burn that cuts across the raised beach above us, tumbles over the edge of the cliff and somehow the water turns blue.

Catching the sun.


A last look at the Thrift which seems to grow out of nowhere, clinging on and flowering beautifully. 

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