Wednesday 10 June 2015

#30DaysWild - day 10

#30DaysWild - the 10th day.

Starts with a walk on the beach. The presence of a fisherman in the middle of the low tide sands disturbs the emptiness of the tideline.  Lots of broken down bits of seaweed on the sand, deep piles of it further up the beach.  Evidence of the storms.

Today though it is calm. There is cloud cover until mid afternoon and then it clears away and the sun is fully out, and almost warm!

An evening walk on the wild flowers side tonight is my 10th day of embracing the wild.  We found the first Butterfly orchid; first Ragged robin; lots of Common twayblade; a pure white Lousewort; Wood bitter-vetch flowering perfectly; masses of Heath spotted orchids; wonderful sunlight; cuckoos calling; a pair of Curlews displaying and calling so beautiful, flying over our heads, lit by the sun against the pure blue sky - falling into a bluebell and pink sunset.  Wild heaven.

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