Wednesday 6 August 2014

The jewel of August

We had our Green Tourism inspection today.  It is always good to talk about green issues and I always learn something new!  We were talking about how to close the gap between the electricity we generate and consume.  It would be so easy to put another turbine up so that we generate more, but actually we need to consume less.

It was nice to get out into the fields and the flowers later on.

Devil's Bit Scabious in the Black Park.

The cows and calves are in the new field.

We were looking for the Grass of Parnassus.  The cows came too.

We found hundreds of them.

And the Ling heather flowering on the cliff tops.

Lots of white heather.

Devils Bit Scabious.


Field Gentian.

Some very late Common spotted orchids.


Fast growing lambs.. as we start to think about lamb sales.

 This ewe looks as if she will be glad for the lambs to be weaned.

And here it is, the jewel of August, the Grass of Parnassus.

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