Monday 17 June 2013

Top to toe tups, and a lot of wild flowers.

Into the turbine field go the Zwartble gimmers and some wedders.

While the tups come into the fank for Jamie and Farmer to have a look at their feet and give them a fluke drench.

Safety in numbers.

Brownie's ears prick up when you mention his name, but he acts cool and doesn't come over to say hello.

No wonder Farmer has a bad back, he is holding the tup whilst Jamie trims his toe nails.

The lochan beside Duill is drying up gradually. I hope the tadpoles go with the flow and move into the centre where it is deeper.

Lots of dragonflies buzzing about. They seem to enjoy the rushes.

Lots of Common Twayblade along the shore.

Sea campion, feed plant for the Grey moth.

Glorious light on the ferns.

Marsh Lousewort and Ragged Robin.

Burnet rose in the Black Park.

Turf dyke minus the bracken.

Sea so still.

Heath spotted orchids.

Fragrant orchid.

Speedwell and...

Not sure whose jawbone this is. It was tiny.

Bluebells still flowering with Pignut in the Haunn field.

The first Small-white orchid near Toechtamhor.

And tonight below the house.. grasses I need to name...

Sea Arrowgrass.

A blaze of light and colour.. oyster catchers calling as we went too close to their nest.. the sound of bees... scent of late wild garlic.... bog myrtle ...and close up the fragrant orchid.  Bliss.

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