Saturday 16 August 2014

Aliens and non aliens

The garden around Shian and Duill took a bit of a pasting last winter when the building works were done.  We spread bee and bird friendly wild flower seed mixture over the bare soil.  The result, even on today's grey and damp day, has been very pretty, but I cannot help feeling that we have been invaded by aliens as you wouldn't find any of these flowers in our natural fields of wild flowers. The bees obviously do love them though.

On the last day of the holidays we went across to Ulva.   As usual we had a delicious lunch and went for a lovely walk.  Along the way Farmer's eagle eye with Daughter's help spotted this 'bee'.

I have since found out that it is not a bee. It is a hoverfly, and this species has not been recorded on Mull or Ulva before.  So now it has!  It is called Arctophila superbiens.

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