Friday 5 June 2020

5th June 2020 #30DaysWild

A bright day today, with a breezy cold northerly wind.  Atmospheric pressure affects the colour in Calgary Bay which was today, looking very vivid.  Hundreds of gulls on the beach but no humans.

Flag irises are at their peak just now, just beautiful.

Early afternoon we walked the dogs down to the shore to look at the waves.

The winds were creating waves across the fields through the grasses.

We walked along the top of the raised beach, looking down at the waves.  An area of boggy damp ground, with pockets of regenerating Willow and Birch.   As we have had a dry spring the wetter areas have dried up which makes for easy walking without wellies.

Gulls were playing above the waves further along the shore.

Stonecrop is flowering.  Someone has been having their lunch on the rocks.

I think the plant of the day for me is Marsh lousewort.  I always love seeing it.

There were lots of Northern marsh orchid, True Forget me not, Cotton grass and the first Ragged robin of the  summer, all growing amongst the rushes and reeds, with small areas of aromatic Bog myrtle.  Just wonderful!

On our way back up the hill we met some of the Herdwicks.

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