Tuesday 13 November 2012

Leaves, hoggs, sands and turbines

Some sunshine and lovely autumn colours - lengthen the days and shorten the winter feeling.

The track verges are closing in with the growth from the regeneration. Stuart from FC came to survey for ash die back, thankfully he didnt find any.   The only saplings we have bought in the last 10 years have been from a nursery near Oban who collect and grown their own seed from Argyll, and hopefully that means we have a lower chance of getting it, though as each day goes by it seems that it is more widespread than originally thought.   

Feeders filled and rainbows, but the waxwings Prasad saw over the wood didn't grace our garden.  

The 2 new tups from Knock.  No need to paint these guys.

The hoggs are in the cattle shed learning how to feed.  One old ewe (head down) is their teacher.

And 4 lovely new heifers arrived from the east coast of Mull.  They are pure Aberdeen Angus.

This is No 63 - she was one of the first AA heifers we bought back in 1996.  A favourite.

So enjoying the walks on Calgary beach. These geese have been here every morning this week.

The moon one morning.

The weather today got worse and worse. It was almost dark at 4pm when I collected Daughter from Calgary! So not the best weather to put up a wind turbine.  Border Hydro arrived at midday - see above.  

Back in October 2009 when we put up the first turbine, we were blessed with dry weather and hard ground underfoot and under wheel.  This site is boggy  hill ground rather than grassy field, and with the rain we have had over the last few weeks it looks like a battle ground.  It will heal but it looks horrendous just now.

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