Wednesday 29 September 2010

Off and On Treshnish. Home and Away Mull.

It was a week of movements on and off Mull, Treshnish, trains, ferries...

Moon rise on the Sound of Iona.

Treshnish headland as seen from the Sound of Iona, with the distinctive mountains of Rum to the left.

Bumble bee making the most of September fuschia pollen.

Grey skies over Iona post office buildings.

Grey skies over an Anish Kapoor in Hyde Park London. Unbelievably lovely to look at.

Cast ewes are the older ewes who would prefer not to spend another winter on the wild west coast of Mull. So traditionally they are sold to farms with gentler winter climates. 50 such ewes went off to market yesterday at Oban.

But Farmer came home with a little surprise.....10 Zwartble/Shetland/Cheviot ewe lambs came to Treshnish from Oban market yesterday. They will be great company for Brownie. (in fact they are all related, as they originated from our neighbouring farm)
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