Saturday 11 May 2024

Aurora May 10th/11th 2024

There has been a lot of Aurora activity during the winter.  Sometimes the weather works and sometimes it doesn't!

Unfortunately on the night of 10th/11th May when there was the strongest activity in decades, Treshnish and a lot of Mull was clouded out.   It didn't stop me from taking my tripods outside and trying to make a few photographs.  

These photographs are pretty unremarkable compared to some of the extraordinary photographs that appeared online over the next few days.  Those parts of the UK which had clear skies really saw some astonishing activity. 

With the naked eye I could see the pink colour coming through the cloud.  This is unusual on a cloudy night but shows how strong the activity was that I could see the colour through cloud. 

Usually the activity is from the north, so I always aim my camera north.  This night I had my camera facing south and it was picking up the activity south and west.  An indication of how strong the activity was. 

For all the cloud, it was still lovely to be outside and witnessing something very special. At home. 


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