Sunday 25 February 2024

Dhiseig Fank

What I am noticing more and more is how right it is that we read the landscape through the eyes of the people who lived here before us. 

When I started the Fangan project, I was looking at it from my viewpoint today.  But while they mean something to me - now - they represent something far stronger and more important than anything I might initially know of.  

This feels like a big responsibility and it has slowed my progress down.  I want to do justice to the past, to treat it with the utmost respect but I am afraid I will screw it up.  

Flying the drone gives a wonderful aerial perspective and applies a distance between viewer and subject, which I like.  But I am realising now how precious it is to walk through the spaces and feel the stones, listen to the history, read the stories.  I did just this on Sunday. 

It will all take time. 


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