Monday 24 February 2020

The 2020 scanning

February has been a continuation of the wild and wet weather of January and as we approach the usual weekend for Dan the scan to appear, we anxiously watch the forecast trying to work out when to gather, and trying to fit the weather forecast in with when D and J can help.  This year it meant the sheep came in a few days earlier than we would usually bring them in but luckily we had the fields to put them in.

The day Dan came to scan it was wild. Gusts of 50+mph from the west, hitting the fank directly.  With wind chill it was bitterly bitterly cold.  But D and S were uncomplaining and we were grateful for their help.  You need one person (Farmer) on painting, one on pushing up (S) and one on bringing the ewes in to the pens from the yard (D).  It all worked well and nearly 600 sheep were scanned in less than 2 hours.  The Herdwicks came out on top, scanning at 180%.   One should never count your chickens before your eggs have hatched but if they all hold onto and deliver live lambs we might have 40 from 22 mums.  Time will tell.

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