Tuesday 22 August 2023

August on the farm

August has been a month of growing weather.  Warm and damp!  The fields are lush and green with so much grass, seed heads galore, and armies of finches darting ahead of you as you walk. 

The garden has been producing lots too.. an abundance of tomatoes and cucumbers - which we share with guests. Everything feels very healthy, grown without chemicals.  

Moving cows to a new field.

Speaning (taking off) the lambs.  This was a peaceful process - the lambs were ready, barely drinking from their mothers any more and therefore not too bothered being separated - and the ewes went back to the field without a to-do. 

The Heather has been wonderful this summer, full of colour. 

Farmer mows Bracken wherever he can.  In fact he spends most of July and August on the tractor mowing Bracken.  Some of the fields he isn't allowed to cut until later on and we can see the Bracken is getting away from us in these fields, but he does what he can. 

Turning the lambs out in their new fields without their mums. 

They meet cows for the first time. 

The hill lambs were with their mothers until the big hill gather in the last week of the month. 


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