Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Before the storm

The forecast is for a storm coming in tonight.  It has been grey and windy all day, but not wildly so.

We have had some dry and relatively calm weather.   It makes such a difference for Farmer when he is outside working.

The hill sheep are all still in the fields.  A new set of tups went out yesterday.  We do this every year - we put the first main lot of tups out for the first cycle (17 days) and then put the extras out for the second cycle.  This reduces the risk of ewes without lambs - if one of the first tups going out isn't fertile for some reason, the ewes have a second chance with the extra tup!

Not exactly clear blue skies, but bright and dry - no complaints.

On Sunday afternoon Farmer and I took the dogs for a run on the hill (as all the hill ewes are in the fields!). It was so very still and quiet.

I love looking at where we live from above.

My phone has just pinged with texts from Calmac, warning of ferry cancellations tomorrow on the Oban Craignure route and possible disruptions on the Lochaline Fishnish route.  Winter has arrived!