Saturday, 7 February 2015

From frost to haze

Unfortunately I wasn't able to go out in the car today, I didnt have an excuse to go to Dervaig - even though I could see the low lying cloud/fog lying over Loch Cuin from here. There is a tiny dip in the hills above Calgary beach and you can see through to where Loch Cuin lies.  It was beautiful enough here, waiting with the hoggs in the field in front of the house for Farmer to appear with their feed. 

Frost on the ground, and the sun slowly trickling down onto the raised beaches as it rises above the hill behind me.

Farmer took advantage of the hard ground to 'dung out' the cattle shed.  This is the first trailer load, from the bull pen.

Down at Haunn, sunshine on lichens and a changeover in East Cottage.

Then off to collect the marmalade for this year's guests, and this extraordinary light, I thought the lens on my camera was smeared with dirt, and had to check it, but it was an almost solid but very fine mist with the sun coming through.

On the way home a purple haze..